NLC 2016's Unforgettable Moments
I got a fantastic experience during NLC (National Leader Camp) 2016. This camp held on 3 until 7 August 2016. All of the awardee RK (Rumah Kepemimpinan) Scholarship was gathered in one place to increase their knowledge before dormitory's term. They were about 270 awardees from the chosen Indonesian's College such as UI, ITB, UGM, ITS, Unair, IPB, USU, Unhas. I didn't count how many moments that I have got. Some of the moments were inspiring, funny, uncommon, and heartbreaking. 1. Inspiring Speakers NLC 2016 where I could meet incredible speakers. Mostly they were public figures in Indonesia and alumni R K who has succeeded. They were : Bachtiar Firdaus (Director of RK), Husain Ibrahim (Founder RK), Ustad Musholi (Founder RK), Sudirman Said (Former Ministry of Energy and Human Resource), Sandiaga Uno (Former XXXX), Anies Baswedan (Former Ministry of Education), Yoyok Sudibyo (Mayor of Batang), Suyoto (Mayor of Bojonegoro), Ricky Elson (Found