2020: The Year of Relentless Contribution
2019 was the year of self reformation through my habits and vision of life. Within 2019 year, I have finished sixteen years study from elementary school until undergraduate degree. Hence, it’s time for myself contributing to the society from knowledge that I have got, from about two hundreds of books that I have read, and from experiences that I have learned. However it’s not enough at all, my journey has just begun and I think there will be a lot of new challenges that must be overcome. 2019 was the year that I have built at least some habits to be a better person. Through this habits, I hope I will be a little by little closer achieving my goals. I believe every success starts by small step. Not just a small step, but something iterative small steps and being consistent. Throughout iterative small steps, we can achieve big impact someday. Hence, 2020 will be my year to optimize my whole life by building an effective system of my daily basis. And also 2020 will be my year