
Showing posts from 2020

2021: The Year of Exploration

  2020 was a remarkable year for me. I got my first job which I didn’t expect before as Software Developer. When I was child, I wanted be a scientist since I love math a lot. However, time by time I got plenty of new experiences which I could know myself better. In 2020, I tried to find my true passion. Well then I got a new light which I believe probably it would be my future path. But, future is flexible, challenging, and unpredictable. As a matter of it, I would say that my ultimate goal should be general but impactful for instance bringing happiness to people around. It’s general but when I got older obviously I got new experiences which probably make new opportunities or perspectives. That’s why every goal in a year, five years, or decades should be based on my ultimate goal. Moreover, 2020 was a life changing year for most of people due to pandemic covid-19. As we know, people struggle to change their behaviour for social distancing and working from home. Well to my mind, the

Ulasan Buku “The Power of Habit”

  Ketika kamu bangun di pagi hari, apa yang pertama kali kamu lakukan? apakah mengecek smartphone, merapikan tempat tidur, ataukah langsung membasuh muka. Hidup kita dipenuhi oleh aktivitas kecil yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang. Rangkaian aktivitas tersebut telah menjadi rutinitas atau habit yang membentuk diri kita saat ini. Dalam bukunya Charles Duhigg berjudul The Power of Habit menuturkan tentang bagaimana cara kerja sebuah habit serta bagaimana cara mengubahnya. Salah satu penelitian yang dipublikasikan oleh Duke University pada tahun 2006 menyebutkan bahwa lebih dari 40 persen aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh seseorang setiap harinya merupakan habit atau kebiasaan. Walaupun habit tersebut ialah sesuatu yang sederhana seperti merapikan tempat tidur ketika baru bangun atau menyuci piring setelah makan, namun jika sedikit demi sedikit dilakukan setiap harinya akan berdampak besar suatu hari nanti. Berikut beberapa rangkuman hal yang menarik dari buku The Power of Habit : Big Idea

Melangkah 14 - Berbicara tentang Cinta

  Berbicara tentang cinta pasti akan bermakna yang sangat luas dari hal-hal yang paling kecil yaitu mencintai diri sendiri hingga hal yang transenden yakni mencintai Sang Pencipta Rasa Cinta. Akan tetapi kita akan membahas tentang yang lebih sempit yakni cinta antara dua orang manusia sebagai pasangan. Kodratnya manusia diciptakan berpasang-pasangan. Bukan hanya untuk menjaga keberlangsungan kehidupannya, namun berpasangan juga berarti saling mengisi satu sama lain. Bagaikan sepasang sepatu, untuk mencapai suatu tujuan keduanya mesti berjalan secara harmonis dan beriringan. Begitulah manusia, berjalan sendiri mungkin bisa. Berjalan sendiri mungkin akan lebih cepat, namun diri kita mempunyai batasan secara fisik maupun   emosional. Lain halnya berjalan bersama akan mencapai suatu tujuan dengan lebih pasti karena bisa saling bahu membahu satu sama lain serta berbagi yang tak bisa dilakukan sendiri. Menjadi pasangan yang berjalan beriringan membutuhkan energi seperti kendaraan yang

How to Acquire a New Language Effectively

  Recently, I watched a fascinating video about the secrets of learning a new language by Lydia Machova. Well I got a new insight about how polyglot could acquire new languages quickly. For instance Lydia said that she could master a new language in two years. Brilliant! I was wondering how could it be? Firstly learning a new language is about process just like the other learning. Basically without enjoying the process then learning is no longer fun. For instance when we were in childhood, we kept learning many things such how to eat, walk, run, and so on. Moreover, we frequently made mistakes when we were learning some basics. Similarly, learning a new language is about enjoying the process. I would say that we should draw in our mind that learning a new language is much fun by creating whatever amazing imaginations. For instance we could create imaginations such as travelling around the world and speaking to native with the language which we have learned. Secondly finding out an

My Reading Notes : How To Be A Productivity Ninja

  I have read some kind of books about productivity. Many books often explain productivity as   time management, goal achievement, building habits, and so on. But, this time I got new insights from Graham Allcott’s book which offers a radical tips of productivity. Let’s dive in what is inside. Graham said time management is dead. It’s often taught that good time management is the key to productivity, success, and happiness. There are thousands of books on time management said that we have to prioritize the right things, start the day with a list and do from most important. It sound so easy and perfect, doesn’t it? But as time goes flies, the game changed. We now live in age where connection and information overload. We are bombarded with a lot of information from many different sources such as our smartphone, tv, and so on. In the old time management books, dealing with a new input is simple enough. However this time, it can be distracting to us. Eventually, we will never get thing

My Reading Notes : How To Enjoy Your Life and Your Job

  I found one of interesting books by Dale Carnegie in the BBW event. At that time, I was wondering Dale Carnegie’s book with the title “How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job”. Then, I bought one and figured out that this book was summary collections from Dale Carnegie’s two best sellers, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” and “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”. I would say this book is great to improve our attitude toward our job. This means that our attitude can determine whether our days are filled with excitement and the sense of fulfillment – or frustration, boredom, and fatigue. This is why some people feel exhausted but they did nothing. Therefore, this book tells about how to deal with our job including habit, doing task, and handling people. However, I’d like to note on how to banish boredom and start living peacefully with happiness toward our job. 1. Find yourself and be yourself We are unique in this world with such abilities, so let’s not waste worrying b

My Reading Notes : Storytelling with Data

  When I was learning about big data world, I found an interesting article. It told about data visualization techniques like never before. Afterwards, I got book’s recommendation about techniques behind data storytelling written by Cole Nussbaumer. Soon, I searched the book on the online store and I got one. Storytelling with Data by Cole Naussbaumer Knaflic. The book   is very organized and it has a beautiful insight. The writer specializes in the effective display of quantitative information and writes the popular blog She has experiences on the Google People Analytics and so on. What I got from this book is how to deal with visualizing data. It’s not just we serve visualization at all. However, we design a good visualization and show the insight from it. Sounds easy right?   But I think no, bad graphs are everywhere. Most people don’t know how to serve a good summary of data. In school, we learn a lot about language and math. On the language side, we

What I Got After Learning Blender 3D Modelling for One Month

Last month, I challenged myself to learn 3D modelling using Blender, an open source 3D software. Then I want to share what I got after learning Blender for one month every day. 3D modelling stuffs are quite new for me. However, I tried to learn by myself using whatever resources where I found. The picture on above is my first final render of my first 3D model. I would say making donut is like “Hello World” in the programming world. Before starting my challenge, I set up daily target learning blender for one hour in each day. Then I noted the specific time which I used one hour before I started working from 7 AM to 8 AM. So roughly in one month I have spent about 30 hours for learning 3 modelling. I think spending one hour in a day isn’t quite difficult, but I want to start by small and just to see my next progress. Then, all of my learning materials are from Youtube tutorial such as Blender Guru, Polygon Runaway, and Grant Abbitt. I prefer those tutorials due to explaining the proc

What I’ve Got After Learning New Language for 50 Consecutive Days

Learning new language is exciting. However, for some people it's quite difficult to acquire new language, maybe just like me. I've spent learning English since elementary school, but I just felt quite fluent when I was in college. A few months ago, I challenged myself to start learning new language and I chose Deutsch or Germany. If you asked me, indeed German is great country that I would like to stay in . Yeah maybe someday. The other reason, German is country where the third president of Indonesia Prof BJ Habibie studying about airplane. He's awesome and I learn a lot from his life. Then my goal is simple. I have to spent about 10-15 minutes a day learning German by Duolingo app. This app provides several topics about daily life. In each topic I have to choose the right answer, fill the blank, and pronounce some sentences. Eventually, I have been doing this until now for 50 consecutive days and here's I got. Learning new language is challenging for me. I can't a

Data is The New Oil

Pada akhir tahun 2018 lalu aku mulai berkenalan dengan dunia data. Awalnya memang tidak sengaja, karena ketika itu aku diajak bergabung dalam tim untuk mengikuti lomba data science . Saat itu memang data science sedang booming -nya sampai dengan sekarang. Aku masih cukup awam dengan dunia data saat itu,  namun di sela-sela waktu aku coba mempelajari hal-hal mendasarnya. Singkat cerita kami bisa lolos sampai tahap semifinal di Jakarta. Pada tahap ini, dunia data science bener-benar membuatku terkagum. Babak semifinal diadakan selama dua hari satu malam di mana kami diberi banyak data berbentuk sheet mengenai customer di perusahaan tersebut. Aku pikir datanya dalam bentuk satu lembaran sheet excel saja, namun ternyata tidak. Banyak sekali file dan column yang belum tentu saling berkaitan, karena itu kami perlu memahami secara proses bisnisnya. Tantangan yang diberikan pada kami sebenarnya cukup simpel yaitu memprediksi skor kredit setiap pelanggan, sehingga kami dapat menentuk

Suatu Hari yang Tak Lagi Sama

Sebuah puisi esai [1] Hari menjelang senja Sumringah bibir menghias wajahnya Langkah kaki nya semakin cepat Menuju rumah satu-satunya   Tok.. Tok.. Assalamu'alaikum.. Dibukakan pintu oleh wajah dinantinya Memeluk erat penuh rasa bahagia   Wahai istriku.. Serunya menatap lembut istrinya Anak kita bisa bersekolah kembali Walaupun kita sedikit berhemat nanti   Istrinya tak kuat membendung mata Dipanggilnya anak mereka Lalu dipeluknya erat-erat Alhamdulill a ah.. nak   [2] Esok terasa berbeda Semangatnya terus menyala Walaupun terik menyilau Namun ia tetap melangkah maju   Ia tak malu Apalagi risau Beribu jalan telah ia lalui Untuk masa depan sang buah hati   Dagangannya pun laris pembeli Walaupun keringat habis terkuras Ketika melihat senyuman yang dicintai Semuanya pun akan segar kembali   Seperti biasa Sore itu pun ia kembali Membawa segenggam rezeki Meski sedikit, namun tetap disyukuri   [3]

Melangkah 13 - Berpikir Kritis

Berpikir adalah fondasi dari segala sesuatu yang kita kerjakan. Setiap aksi, solusi, serta keputusan merupakan hasil dari proses berpikir. Kita berpikir ketika ingin makan makanan apa, pergi kemana, dan bahkan saat kita tidur. Pikiran kita selalu berjalan setiap saat, walaupun tidak semua yang kita pikirkan bernilai. Salah satu cara untuk memanfaatkan pikiran kita adalah dengan berpikir kritis. Melalui berpikir kritis kita bisa menajamkan pikiran untuk mencapai suatu keputusan terbaik. Berpikir kritis bukanlah tentang seberapa besar kapasitas kecerdasan seseorang, tetapi tentang bagaimana memanfaatkan semua sumber daya yang ada demi mencapai keputusan yang tepat. Dengan berpikir kritis kita bisa menggali alasan dibalik sesuatu, sehingga kemudian bisa merumuskan keputusan yang lebih baik. Berbeda dengan cara kita berpikir sehari-hari, misalnya dalam keseharian kita berjalan, makan, atau berkendara. Hal tersebut akan mengandalkan pikiran otomatis yang mana terbentuk dari rut